【Retail Shop Renovation】潮牌服装店 – Ed Hardy Urban Retail Store @ Mid Valley Megamall

Designing a modern industrial retail shop with bronze elements can create a striking and luxurious atmosphere. Start with a neutral industrial base, using colours like gray, black, white or exposed concrete for walls and flooring. Utilizing industrial materials like steel, glass and concrete for a sleek and contemporary feel. Also, the concept also used bronze accents through metallic finishes in shelving, furniture and decorative elements make it for a touch of luxury. Besides, the modern industrial concept also bring in large industrial-style artwork with graffiti arts & streetwear concept that align with the branding elements for signage to create a cohesive look. “LIKE ID LIKE CUBEBEE!” For more info, please contact MR JEFF +6012 941 2768 MS STELLA +6012 729 2768 Whatsapp : https://cubebeedesign.wasap.my Email : cubebeedesign@gmail.com